Thursday, March 3, 2011


I do not enjoy being confronted with stereotypes. 
 Really, I don't think anyone does. 
But it seems that we just can't help but believe them.
As a Mormon, there are MANY stereotypes that people think define me.
I would like to dispel some of these.

1.  I did not grow up in Utah.

2.  I am not a huge fan of the Osmond's (I actually had to google them to get the spelling right).

3.  I am not a Republican.

4.  I am the only wife of my husband (I am amazed to find out how many people actually believe that we are polygamists).

5.  I only have 2 children, and no, I do not plan on having 8.

6.  I am not in love with Mitt Romney.

7.  I do not support Glenn Beck (frankly, he kind of creeps me out).

8.  I once had a nose ring, and I still have tattoos.

9.  I do not consider BYU to be the only option for my kids future college plans.
(I actually worry that my kids will want to go there someday.)

10.  I love Tupac.

Just thought you might like to know!


SLC Gardener said...

well what's with the mitt romney poster above your bed (hanging over the mirror i might add)

Angi said...

How have I not seen your tattoos?

The Fergy Bunch said...

I am actually with you on most of those. What gets me is the stereotypes Mormons have of nonmembers...just because I am a convert doesn't mean I slept around before, drank, or smoked. yet everyone assumes I must have and they feel free to ask me about it.

Jocelyn Christensen said... you have a tattoo of Tupac? That is the question?