Yesterday morning before school Ciara commented on how it would be a good day to wear her flip-flops to school since they were not having recess. I explained that it is way too cold to wear them, and also I don't allow her to wear them to school. She said OK and put on her regular shoes and socks. I sent her off to school and that was that. She comes home from school and is wearing her flip-flops. I asked her where she got them, to which she replied, "In my backpack." I asked her when she put them on, and she told me that she changed her shoes while she was in line waiting to go into her class. I couldn't believe it. I didn't think I would have to worry about her changing her clothes at school until she was about 14. What other 5 year old would take different shoes to school to change into? What kind of devil child am I raising??
(On a totally different note, my Frye boots are so comfy! I could wear them all day and not complain!)
She may be "devious" but at least she has a little independent streak to her! I like that!
Well I think its been nice enough to wear flip-flops so i'm on her side. Mia and I have ours on right now!
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