Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I know, I have been messing with my layout. I liked the last one, it was very cute. But the title of this is a DESPERATE (mormon) Housewife. So I decided it needed to be more desperate. Did I succeed? Does it look desperate? How does one make a blog look desperate.
And I just realized I didn't do a movie quote last time!  
I know that Lori will be the only one to get this, as I don't believe most of the public has actually seen this movie:
"What is God's name happened here?"


Brandi Colby said...

I love it!!

LoriLoo310 said...

This one is too easy for me. That is the clip to be used in the awards show for none other than the famous "Mosquito!"

Also, you might be jealous of the purse I'm coming home with :)

Monica said...

Totally desperate!