Monday, September 8, 2008

Caden's School

Today was Caden's first day of school. I was kind of sad to see him go off to class. Although the rest of me was cheering for almost 3 hours of no kids. He was a little excited about going, especially since one of his teachers is the same as last year (Ms. Kara). But as soon as we got to class, he got really shy and didn't want me to go. I was sure he was going to cry, but he didn't. He was such a big boy. He walked over to the books with Ms. Kara and they read while I said goodbye and left. He turned shy as soon as I returned to pick him up too. He had a great time, and they said he was a big helper. It is bittersweet to see the youngest go to school. I look forward to it, but then I get a little sad. He is growing up too fast. And what did I do with my free time? Well, I thought about going to the gym, which is probably what I will normally do. But this time I decided to get a yummy chocolate croissant and enjoy it. So I did. On other news, I am leaving for a girl's trip on Thursday! Wahoo! We are going to Jackson Hole for 4 days. I can't wait! We did this last year (to Moab) and had a blast. We usually don't have a lot of plans. Most of us are just happy to be child- and husband-less. We get silly, gossip, laugh a LOT and have lots of stories when we come back. So if you all don't hear from me for a while, be patient because I am sure I will have lots of stories when we get back!


Jen said...

Have a wonderful trip! How fun for you. I can't to wait to hear about it.

SandGs Mom said...

nici...what happens in jackson, stays in jackson. HE HE HE!

Beebs said...

Have a good time on your trip! Sounds like fun!