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Moving From the City to the Country, from the West to the East, Enjoying the Adventure and Change (hopefully).
Caden after he got into Rocky's shaving cream. Instead of punishing him, Rocky prefers to take pictures.
Here are the kids (Ciara, Caden and Nate, my nephew) at Gardner Village looking at the witches.
Again, Gardner Village. But this time riding horses.
Caden loved riding the horse. I just love the expression on his face in the picture.
We also visited the Scarecrow Festival. The kids had a blast. They got their faces painted, made rockets, rode horses (again), went through a haunted house, and played lots of games.
My princess kitty. I will have some of Caden in a few days.
This bag is way cuter in person. Although I can't decide on the fabric. The other option I like is:
I love them both. But I think I almost want the black, since I do not have a cute black bag. There was also many other gifts that I loved as well, so thank you to everyone who remembered, and those who came to the party. I have decided that 30 isn't so bad, and that I might actually enjoy myself!
I think that is costume is adorable for a boy or a girl. I have also seem some moth-like costumes that any toddler would think is a butterfly. My point is that butterflies do not have to be girl specific. And that we force gender roles onto kids way too early. They will learn for themselves, trust me! We are kind of having an issue of this in our home. As I mentioned in my previous blog, Caden is really into dancing. He loves to watch Ciara's ballet recital on DVD and loves to show us his arabesque. Rocky is getting worried that he will want to be a dancer. This fact doesn't bother me. If Caden wants to take ballet, then I am signing him up. Rocky does understand that if Caden wants to do this, then he won't stand in his way. But it will bother him. He has promised to keep his mouth shut if this does happen, but I also tell him that in a few years, Caden will probably have different interests. I know Rocky would get over his son being a dancer, but I do worry about his family. I will have to tape Joe's (Rocky's dad) mouth shut if he hears about Caden's dancing. (I say tape it shut because Joe will have many not so nice things to say about his only grandson doing something not so manly).
So, am I the only one who feels this way? Do you all think it is OK for parents to force certain roles onto their children? And I don't want to hear that forcing the gender role is OK because you don't want your child to be teased. I know that it is something to think about, but I would rather my child be himself and not change for fear of peer pressure.
**I just showed Rocky the costume and he does NOT think it is OK for a boy.**